Scarce and rare Birds in North wales by Robin Sandham
Self published, soft back, 328 pages, price £16:99 or £19:99 inc p+p. robinsandham@hotmail.co.uk This self published book is a great...

Killing by Proxy – wildlife crime in the UK todayby Alan Stewart
Published by Thirsty Books Paperback, 240 pages price £9.99 Alan has brought out his 6th book on wildlife crime starting way back in 2008...

Owl Sense by Miriam Darlington
Published by Guardian Faber Hardback 344 pages Price £15.99 This is a book which is hard to put down. Miriam picks several European...

A Shadow Above – The fall and rise of the Raven by Joe Shute
Published by Bloomsbury, hard back 272 pages, price £16.99 Amazing how folk pick up a species and want to write about it without any...

Far from land by Michael Brooke
Published by Princeton, hardback, 250 pages price £24.95 If you thought you knew all about seabirds think again. This book is packed with...