Arboreal – A collection of New Woodland Writing edited by Adrian Cooper
Published by Littletoller hard back 336 pages price £20.00 This is a lovely book to pick and choose where you want to start and finish....

![The story of Gordon the moron [ alias Bonny ] and his time on this planet
Was he killed for a £billi](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7b6cb3_1241968c87cf462a983728be4909a08e~mv2_d_2149_1491_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/7b6cb3_1241968c87cf462a983728be4909a08e~mv2_d_2149_1491_s_2.webp)
The story of Gordon the moron [ alias Bonny ] and his time on this planet Was he killed for a £billi
The RSPB reserve at Geltsdale in Cumbria has a history of harriers. The reserve lies only 25 miles from Langholm. [as the harrier flies!]...

Stop the Scottish Government poisoning eagles
In recent years I have been visiting the island of Islay due to its dramatic wildlife which is a big winter destination for many tourists...

Red Kites and Wildlife Tourism
Red Kites were once so common in Britain that they even adapted to feeding around the streets of towns and cities picking up man’s waste...