Birds of the Ancient World by Jeremy Mynott
Published by Oxford University Press hard back, Pages 452 Price £30.00 This is an amazing book which takes you back to Greek and Roman...

Linescapes by Hugh Warwick
Published by Square Peg, Hardback Price £17.99 and new softback 2018 £9.99, 264pages Anyone can see that the title could be ‘landscapes’...

Field Guide to Pond and River Life of Britain and Europe by jack Perks
Published by New Holland, paper back, 224 pages, Price £14.99 A great book for someone loving fresh water and spending time by it but not...

Mrs Moreau’s Warbler – The only Woman in Britain to have a bird named after her
This may be a recent edition to my book collection but what was amazing it turned out to be even more to where I lived. I review books...

Ascent of Birds by John Reilly
Published by Pelagic Publishing, Hard back, 342 pages Price £24.99 How many books can say ‘by the time you have read this book 3 species...

The Wonderful Mr Willughby –The first true Ornithologist by Tim Birkhead
Published by Bloomsbury Publishing, hardback, 356 pages, Price £25.00 This is the story of Francis Willughby who had been lost to science...

Wildlife of Madeira and the Canary Islands by John Bowler
Published by Princeton [Wild Guides], Flexibound, 224 pages Price £20.00 A great book to take on holiday as it covers really everything...

Walking in Northumberland by Vivienne Crow
Published by Cicerone, paperback, Pages 124, Price £12.95 This book gives you a wide variety of walks where wildlife can be seen....

The Southern Upland Way by Alan Castle updated by Ronald Turnbull
Published by Cicerone Press Soft back 192 pages Price £14.95 This 215 mile [347km] walk passes through several good areas for wildlife...

Walking the LuneValley and Howgills by Dennis and Jan Kelsall
Published by Cirerone paperback 208 pages price £12.95 This is an area full of wildlife starting with the limestone of the Orton area...