Birds of Cyprus by Colin Richardson &Richard Porter
Helm Field Guide, 256 pages Price £30.00 This is the first comprehensive field guide of its kind to cover the whole island of Cyprus with...

The Common Buzzard by Sean Walls & Robert Kenwood
Poyser Hardback - £60.00 and paperback - £35.00 304 pages It is like buses coming along. Tubbs Buzzard came out in 1974 and after a long...

Birds in Winter by Roger F Pasquier Hard back 304pages, Princeton, £25.00
How birds have evolved and adapted to survive winter May be you would think that a book written primarily with many records from America...

Wild Places Uk – The Uk’s top 40 Nature Sites by Iolo Williams softback, published by Serin, 192 pag
This is a follow up to Iolo’s last book - Wild Places: Wales Top 40 Nature Sites where he covered some of the top plac es to visit in...

A New Year
2019 is the year that Chickbooks starts up on its own. I had seven books published by Langford Press and after Ian died and the his...

Safaris in a National Park
THIS Article was written in 2013 for BIRDWATCHING magazine When most people hear the word ‘safaris’ they think of exotic parts of the...

Lead - The final frontier in Scotland!
As many of you know I have whitnessed at first hand the feeding of eagles on 'lead filled' geese. The numerous letters to the Scottish...

History of Forest of Bowland raptors
The Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty was started in 1964 when the Hen Harrier was a common bird nesting in the area. So much so that...

The Curlew
A recent document written by the BTO suggests that Curlew is in step decline from its main habitat – uplands! http://www.tandfonline.com/...

The end of Langholm part 2. Will there ever be a part 3?
The end of August sees the end of a 10 year programme to make Langholm moor a biodiverse area along with Red Grouse shooting. Red Grouse...