Scarce and rare Birds in North wales by Robin Sandham
Self published, soft back, 328 pages, price £16:99 or £19:99 inc p+p.
This self published book is a great book to have not just because of the rarities found in this area of Wales but the potential it has of getting you on a host of more commoner birds in the similar areas. There are 2 intriguing charts showing the peak times which match with spring and autumn migration but also the rise in records of birds from 1700 to the present time which actually could be named ‘the rise of bird watching’ as a great way to enjoy this area of Wales. There are over 200 species are included in the main section of the book along with some amazing pictures gathered from birders visiting these sites along with finders stories. The island of Bardsey comes in with many of these birds and is a must visit not just for rarities but the ‘island experience’ and its sea birds.