Lines from Nature by John Busby
Published by Langford Press Price £ 38.00 Pages 192 pages
Hard back ISBN 978 1 904078 61 6
The final book by John Busby who sadly died in 2015 is a great reminder to what the art world has lost. A mentor for so many of our present wildlife artists John pushed the limits gaining work in over 35 books and travelling widely from Australia to islands in the Indian Ocean. The book has themes like Tigers in India to Eagles, Hawks and Falcons with early chapters showing his art especially around the Firth of Forth close to where he lived. Another chapter on owls is a great feature with words describing how he gained the images. There are some images of dead birds and when a White’s Thrush hits your window an artist will defiantly draw it as it was for John on 12th October 1998! John was good at finding rare birds as well and of course they were all drawn and found in this book like Cream coloured Courser and Caspian Plover. This is a great edition to any ones bird art collection. Congratulations to Langford Press adding this volume to their Wildlife art series which now stands at 36 books.