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Birds of Botswana by Peter Hancock & Ingrid Weiersbye


Published by Princeton Field Guides Softback


Price £19.95 ISBN 978 0 691 15717 7 Pages400















This book brings up to date information on the 595 species found in this country which is on many ‘wish lists’ of birders in the UK. Each species is accompanied with a distribution map. It is the first book written by a local with other books often coming over the border from South Africa so seasonal birds are well covered with habitats found there in the front of the book along with photos of the habitats.12 major birding areas are covered where many of the 415 resident species are found with 71 migrants coming from the north and the rest moving in from other parts of Africa. Some resident populations are joined by the same species moving in from other parts of their range.  Ingrid painted all the 1,200 colour illustrations which really add to the guide being well produced. No one should travel to this country without a copy of this book.

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